Female Athletes need strength training

Do you know that most female athletes will not strength train during their high school years?  I ask myself, "why is this"?  Maybe it’s the misconception that females who lift weights will develop big, bulky muscles. Maybe it’s because they simply do not know what exercises to do.  Whatever the reason, it is imperative that female athlete’s strength train for their sport.  Building lean muscle helps to mobilize their joints and stretch and strenghten their muscles which will protect and help them during practice and competition.  The female athletes who strength train, gain a connection between their brain and their body which brings spatial awareness, which is powerful during competition.  Females become more confident in themselves, they gain mental toughness, and a sense of empowerment that can last a life time. 

In my work with high school athletes I hope to help them not only to become stronger for their sport, but help them gain confidence in themselves during time off the court.